Monday, July 15, 2024

Live By The Sword...

Yearbook photo of Trump's assailant, 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks

I'm not going to share all the blathering by genocide supporters saying "political violence has no place in 'Murica." This country was literally built on political violence, and our collective fealty to weapons drives the death toll around the globe.

Our most theatrical president showed his instincts for playing to the audience even amid an active shooter attack, bleeding copiously but raising a defiant fist before being whisked away. Unless he knew in advance that someone was going to aim at his head but only graze his ear, I must grudgingly admit he came across as courageous in the moment. More than one commentator has observed that his victory in November is now almost certain. Also that the DNC might as well keep geriatric genocide Joe as their candidate because nobody will be able to beat Trump now anyway.

I was of course interested in who the shooter was. Turns out he was a textbook U.S. mass shooter: A young white male with a combat-style gun purchased by a parent, and explosives in his car. Described by classmates as a right wing loner, he chose to wear a Mt. Rushmore with flag t-shirt on high school picture day.

Why did he, a registered Republican, decide to shoot up a Trump rally? We'll probably never know. The Secret Service snipers shot him dead on the roof he was shooting from.

It's already ironic that the party and president most likely to cheer for political violence and act to make sure that everyone, including teenagers, is armed to the teeth were targeted by a mass shooter.

But the "live by the sword, die by the sword" irony deepens. 

The other fatality was Corey Comperatore who attended Trump's rally with his family. Internet sleuths found his social media profile chock full of incitements to and glorifications of violence. A sampling:

Comperatore died before he could experience the effects of nuclear bombing himself, but I'm pretty sure he would not have "gotten over it."

Our corporate overlords would prefer that we have a civil war rather than the revolution we need. Early reports that the shooter was Antifa just made most of us suspect the CIA. Now that we find out the shooter was one of the GOP's own, the event is less useful in that regard. But a lie travels around the world several times before the truth can even get its shoes on, as the saying goes.

With the Democratic convention coming up in Chicago amid an ongoing genocide they're supporting, this summer already had strong 1968 vibes. Will violence break out as Chicago police bash demonstrators against Genocide Joe's continued "leadership"? Almost certainly. Will the unpopular war on Gaza figure prominently in the election? It already has as Trump used "Palestinian" as an insult hurled at Biden during their first "debate". Those who want to find favor with the donors scurry around to appear more Zionist than Netanyahu, and even Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein condemned Hamas.

1968 was a year of riots, police violence, war on Vietnam, and assassinations. RFK's fatal shooting is getting a lot of attention right now as his Zionist son begs for Secret Service protection, but you know who else was assassinated in or around 1968? A whole bunch of revolutionaries, many of them Black: Fred Hampton, MLK Jr., Mark Clark, Bobby Hutton, and Malcolm X to name a few. By 1985 police bombed a home and let fire destroy a neighborhood in West Philadelphia in order to kill 6 Black activists with the MOVE organization, and 5 of their children.

We in the U.S. have lived by the sword for 500 years, slaughtering the indigenous people and then enslaving millions to steal their labor. That we will die by the sword is almost certain. Silence will not protect us.

What to do? Join us to confront General Dynamics at their shipyard in Bath, Maine on Saturday July 27. Tell them to stop arming genocide by building ships that enforce the blockade of Gaza and menace Yemen. Wherever you find yourself this summer, share the news that Israel tortures people to death and has killed tens of thousands of children supported by your tax dollars. Media hyperfocus on violence against one rich white guy is a distraction from what really ails us.

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