Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Who's Meddling Now?

As the old (circa 2000) saying goes, the election's not over until your brother counts the votes. In this case, the New Hampshire primary isn't over until we find out how many of the "unprocessed write-in" plus "other write-in" votes are counted to see if "Ceasefire" pulled in 20.5k votes or fewer than that. Of total votes cast, that would be 20.3% or slightly more than 1 out of 5.

Now do you see why Democrat Shenna Bellows, Maine's Secretary of State, is trying to kick Donald Trump off my state's ballot?

The crocodile tears of Trump haters ignore so many things, like the steadily eroding mind of the incumbent, and the steadily escalating mediocrity of Democratic machine candidates. Unpopular president in office? No problem. Just skirt the primaries and don't hold a nominating process. This is to ensure that you nominate a candidate unappealing to the majority of voters in your party.

Because who cares what voters want? As in 2016, the liberal press has long since signaled that our corporate overlords would prefer Trump as the next celebrity spokesman who explains their decisions to us.

That way they can continue to fan the flames of Russophobia as the U.S./NATO loses its proxy war in Ukraine and Europe lurches toward fascism.

But wait -- maybe we won't see a tally of those 20.5k write-in votes, because Israel doesn't want us to. Seeing a large number there would be evidence of the deep unpopularity of its genocide on Gaza. 

Democratic Majority for Israel PAC letter source on Twitter

Never mind the millions upon millions of world citizens shutting down ports to Israeli shipping, or interrupting Biden's campaign speeches, or blocking roads to demand an immediate ceasefire and opening Gaza to receive shipments of humanitarian aid before its surviving children starve to death.

Hey Israel, guess what? If you have to have your agents in the U.S. send a letter like that, or suppress pro-Palestinian content on social media platforms -- you are losing. 

Unlike Donald Trump. I'm not a fan but, at this particular juncture in the decline of U.S. empire, he's the candidate that doesn't have the blood of Gaza's children on his hands.

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