Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Israel Killing Children Again With U.S. Support

U.S. "aid" to Israel runs about $38 billion per year.

Israel is the top recipient of U.S. total "aid" receiving $146 billion as of 2020.

This is mostly in the form of credits to buy U.S. weapon systems where U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab. So, corporate welfare -- which is business as usual for Congress and the White House.



So all this death and suffering is very much on U.S. hands.

The White House has the key role of issuing bland statements of tacit support for Israel's war crimes, pretending to wish for peace. Because, as we all know, shipping lots of weapons to Yemen, Ukraine, etc. has resulted in much more peace for the people living there.

As long as these are the facts on the ground

anyone still calling for a two-state solution in Palestine is just blowing hot air. 

Land theft, water theft, destruction of homes, destruction of agricultural lands, and apartheid laws including segregated roads characterize Israel's actions in the occupied territories.

The attempt to separate Palestinian refugees herded into the open air prison that is Gaza from the Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Jerusalem has not succeeded. The most recent attacks on worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem were understood as punishment for their support of people in Gaza -- many of whom are their relatives.

President Joe Biden says he is a Zionist, as if adherance to a violently racist belief system were something to be proud of. All of Maine's congressional delegation vote and sound like Zionists, too. The blood of these innocent children is on their hands.

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