Sunday, September 29, 2024

U.S.-Israel War Uses Boeing's Bunker Buster Bombs To Assassinate Nasrallah

One could consider the thousands of people vaporized or buried under rubble in Beirut collateral damage from the U.S.-Israel attacks intended to take out Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Or one could consider that the U.S. and Israel had every intention of demoralizing Lebanese people by slaughtering them indiscriminately -- because that never gives rise to more and more vigorous resistance, right?

That PM Netanyahu is said to have ordered the airstrikes from the United Nations in New York where he conferred with U.S. officials is par for the course. Those old enough to remember that the UN was founded after WWII ostensibly to prevent another world war may wonder what happened. Others concerned about our present day descent into hell are observing that the UN is toast and predicting that BRICS will emerge as a multi-polar organization not pre-controlled by the U.S. on behalf of Israel.

Pepe Escobar in the Cradle:

The United Nations has become a parody of itself. As world leaders gathered in New York this week, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine were nowhere on the agenda, but a rammed-through US Pact designed to protect the ‘rules-based order’ was right at the top.

In related news it was revealed that Secretary of State Blinken lied to Congress in order to keep the bombs and airplane parts flowing. We have evidence that Blinken knew Israel was blocking humanitarian aid from reaching people in Gaza, but he denied it -- presumably to avoid Congress invoking the Leahy laws which require denying military aid to nations that are committing human rights violations. 

Beirut suburb Dahiye in the aftermath of U.S.-Israel attacks

"Human rights violations" is a euphemism for using bunker buster bombs on clusters of refugees in tents or buildings full of children and their families; the lucky ones were vaporized by the intensity of the blasts, while the unlucky ones are still calling for help under tons of rubble.

Paramedics in Lebanon murdered by U.S.-Israel's bombardments

What U.S.-Israeli act of genocide would be complete without the deliberate targeting of hospitals and health care workers? Israel has "ordered" hospitals in Lebanon to be evacuated, almost as if they believed that Lebanon is already part of greater Israel.

Of course along with the slaughter comes information control. There's this kind of propaganda, where lies are presented in a compelling format:

U.S.-Israel used their tech skills to create this falsified "map" of where Hezbollah has hidden weapons inside buildings.

Then there's the propaganda that directs audience attention away from inconvenient truths, either by distraction as in the war criminal Biden's speech to the UN (also promoting the official U.S.-Israeli lies about October 7):

We are also working to bring a greater measure of peace and stability to the Middle East. The world must not flinch from the horrors of October 7th. Any country - any country would have the right and responsibility to ensure that such an attack can never happen again.

Thousands of armed Hamas terrorists invaded a sovereign state, slaughtering and massacring more than 1,200 people, including 46 Americans, in their homes and at a music festival; despis- - despicable acts of sexual violence; 250 innocents taken hostage.


Or you can do propaganda by silencing those who share inconvenient truths. In the past week my Google mail account refused to send messages about resistance to Elbit systems operating in the U.S., and then I heard about Yahoo mail doing the same with messages in support of Gaza.

We know the tech bros invented social media so that they could shut down voices that the U.S.-Israel deems unwelcome. Are we surprised that they invented email for similar purposes? Yes, I know, I'm already using Proton mail despite its clunkiness e.g. the near impossibility of searching my own inbox effectively. Gmail has always had a great search function. And now we know why.

So the U.S.-Israel can use a cannon to kill a very important ant. And then they can keep on firing the cannon because they amass a lot of wealth from it (General Dynamics stock price has risen 42% since October 7). 

They also keep firing because their back is against the wall upon which is written: your imperial ambitions are doomed. Insane levels of violence are all they've got as their international reputation is in shreds. Kind of like the children who once lived in the building where the martyr Nasrallah was working to ensure their eventual defeat.

It is said that Nasrallah was a moderate among Hezbollah leadership. We will now see what assassinating a relatively restrained leader of the resistance portends.

China just successfully tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile -- while U.S. ICBM's fizzle and fail. It's one of many countries that have hypersonic weapons that the U.S.-Israel do not have and also cannot defend against. 

You can kill an ant with a cannon -- just don't expect the rest of the ants to lay down and surrender.

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