Saturday, September 7, 2024

Preaching Beyond The Choir: My Interview On Pachios On The News

I had no idea that the community television talk show Pachios on the News is sponsored by corporate law firm Preti Flaherty. Had I known I probably still would have agreed to be interviewed there because I welcome opportunities to preach beyond the choir. Nor had I done my homework to watch host Harold Pachios interview luminaries like Governor Janet Mills or Senator Angus King; I had only watched part of his most recent interview with Portland City Councilor Anna Trevorrow.

I probably also should have given more consideration to the fact that the interview started at 7pm -- as an early riser, I'm past my usual bedtime when the show concludes at 8pm. So I misnamed the famous Milgram experiments as Millman, and said they were done at Harvard, not Yale.  Also at no point did I name my blog --  nor did the host, but he seemed aggravated by me and my views and probably with himself for inviting me in the first place. 

At one point he said, "I'm not here to argue with you," and I am proud of myself for not LOL at that gross canard.

Anyway, for what it's worth, here's the interview. And here's a game: guess how many times Harold interrupted me and then keep a tally. Was your estimate over or under?*

*A friend counted 32 interruptions, but that may be an undercount.

Note: The episode hasn't appeared on the show's YouTube channel yet, but when it does I'll swap it out for this version that I uploaded. (My blog could not handle uploading the MP4 file directly due to its size.)


On another subject altogether, I always enjoy being published in the Bowdoin Orient. It was one of the early places my writing found a home when I was a student there. Nowadays I write to them about local issues like the foam spill catastrophe at the old Brunswick Naval Air Station:

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