Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Three Strikes You're Out?

I got up in the early morning hours of October 9 to find that three things had happened: Israeli troops had sealed off northern Gaza and begun slaughtering people there after bombing a flour warehouse in the one remaining bakery; the U.S.-Israel had bombed suburbs of Beirut with depleted uranium ordnance; and the U.S.-Israel had bombed residential areas of Damascus in Syria.

I will say U.S.-Israel from now on to acknowledge the fact that, for the purposes of WWIII, they are one and the same. Operating both nations as sock puppets so that Biden can pretend to feel things about Bibi's conduct of the war doesn't really fool anyone, though the talking heads of corporate media must pretend to believe. (Until they self-immolate like CBS worker Samuel Mena just did outside the White House.)

The first two overnight occurrences were the most troubling: Israeli soldiers shooting at children and their families in a concentration camp setting is not new but it is especially horrific after a solid year of forced marches and deliberate starvation in the Gaza strip, and in light of announced plans to “cleanse” northern Gaza of any Palestinian presence in order to turn it into a permanent Israeli military zone. As someone I can't find again on Twitter observed, the Zionists have now done everything the Nazis did to their ancestors except build gas chambers. No need to tattoo numbers on anybody’s arms these days; digital surveillance technology has taken care of that.

Sounds like enough atrocities, doesn't it? But wait, there's more.

Depleted uranium was used extensively by the U.S. in the illegal war on Iraq, so we already know of its horrors. Covering large areas with radioactive dust that will outlive all of us, causing miscarriages and horrific birth defects when pregnant women are exposed, and causing lots of kinds of cancer. 

Iraqi girl Farah after three operations to correct deformities caused by exposure to D.U. in utero

What have the humans of Lebanon done to deserve this treatment? The government of Lebanon allows the U.S. to operate a military base there, but Hezbollah arose and grew in strength in direct response to repeated violence inflicted by Israel on civilians. After witnessing the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp massacres of a previous war with Israel, who can blame them?

Incinerating people in Damascus and burying them in rubble is the signature act of depravity we’ve come to expect since October 7, 2023. As horrific as the rest, and also a worrying sign that the U.S.-Israel is going for broke, expanding to a regional war that promises to drawn in not only powerhouse Iran but unvanquished Russia on Syria’s behalf. Iran gave up its nuclear weapon program in a diplomatic deal during the Obama administration; now comes news that it is seriously considering restarting that project. Who can blame them?

Russia of course has nukes including so called tactical nukes that are still vastly more powerful than the bombs the U.S. dropped on Japan in WWII. And both Russia and Iran have hypersonic weapons that are nearly impossible for the Iron Dome (or Iron Sieve as it’s now revealed to be) to intercept. The U.S.-Israel has nukes, too, of course and it's pretty clear that no act of war is too awful for them to contemplate. Is Tehran next?

Former arms inspector Scott Ritter thinks it could be, but also thinks that it will hasten rather than delay Israel's demise as a nation. 

now Israel is being bombarded on a near-daily basis by long-range drones, rockets, and missiles fired from Hezbollah, militias in Iraq, and the Houthi in Yemen. The Iranian ballistic missile attack of Oct. 1 vividly demonstrated to all Israelis the reality that there is no viable defense against these attacks. 

Moreover, if the Israel-Iran conflict continues to escalate (and Israel has promised a retaliation of immense proportions), Iran has indicated it will destroy Israel’s critical infrastructure — power plants, water desalinization plants, energy production and distribution centers — in short, Israel will cease being able to function as a modern nation state.

It's not a question of if but a question of when the empire that Zionists built will fall. But will its collapse precede Armageddon, or usher it in? 

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