Monday, October 7, 2024

Is This The Last October 7 Where We'll Be Able To Speak The Truth?

Many things changed one year ago today when resistance fighters burst through the fence around the world's largest concentration camp, seized hostages, and hid them in Gaza planning to swap them for the thousands of political prisoners held captive by Israel.

Truth was the first casualty on October 7, 2023. Immediately bogus claims of women who were raped and babies who were beheaded by Hamas were circulated and continue to circulate to this day. These are lies. They have been exposed as such long since, yet the Vice President of the U.S. continued spreading them as recently as this week (because that is what a $5 million contribution from AIPAC buys).

That Hamas' stated intention was a prisoner exchange has long since been obscured by the official lies of the Zionist regime and its media servants.

Around 1,200 people are said to have been killed by Hamas on that fateful day. This is also a lie. Many of those who died on October 7 were killed, some deliberately, by the Israeli military. Eyewitnesses report that Israeli soldiers shot at anyone near the breached fence, and fired a tank missile into a kibbutz house known to have Israelis sheltering inside. One baby is known to have died on October 7, the victim of a stray bullet.

Since then many more Israeli hostages have been killed by Israel. But let's stick to October 7 for now.

Immediately narratives claiming October 7 as "Israel's 9/11" were circulated by corporate media around the world. This was meant to signify that an act of terrorism by Muslim Arabs had killed thousands in a sneak attack. What it signified to those paying attention was that the event would quickly be put to use justifying a "war on terror" against civilians in Gaza. 

Within a matter of days Israel had used U.S. bombs to kill tens of thousands in Gaza, and within a matter of weeks it had begun the forced displacements that strongly resemble the agony of Jewish refugees on forced marches in Europe at the hands of the Nazis.

Ironic? Yes. Useful? Undoubtedly. Caitlin Johnstone has written today:

Sympathy for Israel has been used over this past year to manufacture consent for the slaughter of mountains of human beings in advancement of land grabs and military agendas that were planned long before the seventh of October 2023.

What is she talking about?

Maps like this one shared by Netanyahu at the United Nations show Israel swallowing up lands granted to Palestinians by the UN.

Military agendas like aerial bombardment of Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and the occupied West Bank. 

Weaponization of communication devices used by Hezbollah resistance fighters along with doctors, EMTs, and other civilians in attacks that were years in the planning.

Deliberate destruction of the hospitals, ambulances, and health care infrastructure of Gaza.

Deliberate starvation of Gaza's children and their families through blocking aid and bombing UNRWA and other food distributors.

And last but certainly not least, dramatic increases in censorship and deliberate distortion of the meaning of key words.

Did you wave a Palestinian flag or chant "Free, free Palestine" this year? Your actions are portrayed as an attack on Jewish people everywhere. Even if you, yourself, are Jewish!

Did you point out that Israel's vicious ethnic cleansing campaign did not begin on October 7? You must hate Jews!

Did you attempt to distinguish between Zionism, a religious supremacist ideology that justifies land theft, and Judaism, an actual religion? Your thought crimes are a threat to narratives that October 7 was meant to advance.

We unequivocally condemn those from our community who continue to exploit the blood of Arab people for their political agenda. This includes individuals and organizations from our community that are lock-step with the democratic and republican parties, putting party over community, politics over justice, and overlooking a genocide for access.   
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), October 6, 2024

Did you call out the two corporate parties in the U.S. for arming and enabling Israel's carpet bombing in Gaza and Lebanon? You are a threat to the ruling class and must be shadowbanned and silenced

Democratic Party leaders are calling for a war on your misinformation including

rewriting the 1st Amendment's guarantee of freedom of political speech.

Is this the last October 7 where we'll still be able to speak the truth? People in the UK are already being jailed for saying "from the river to the sea" and people in Germany are being jailed for displaying a Palestinian flag.

Ok, might as well go out with a bang. Here's my contribution to the discourse, now and until liberation. Please feel free to borrow and use my graphic wherever the truth may still be shared.

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