Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Hating Bad Orange Man More Than Gaza Genocide You're Funding?

It's hard for me to understand how people could be more upset about the potential return of the bad orange man than about currently funding the pulverizing of children sheltering in a school. 

When I say pulverizing I mean the people who died at the Tabi'een School on August 10 were unrecognizable in death.


These days I often think of Orwell's, 1984, where he has the protagonist grappling with this conundrum: 

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. 

It's hard to make this happen without torturing someone, so our corporate overlords' long term strategy has been to control the evidence that reaches your eyes and ears. 

It's why shouting "Free Palestine!" at a campaign event for VP Harris will get you dragged away by security and dissed from the podium. Also threatened with the return of the bad orange man you love to hate.

If you've managed to get off the corporate news feed approved by the oligarchy, your eyes and ears have seen and heard evidence of horrifying things. Many of your neighbors and your old friends do not know these things because they rely on the New York Times or CNN or Fox to get "news."  

Trigger warning: sexual assault, violence targeting children


For instance, the systematic torture of imprisoned -- including being sodomized, in some cases raped to death, by Israeli soldiers -- that is official Israeli policy.


For instance, the routine killing of children by snipers who know exactly who they're aiming at.


For instance, the epidemic diseases like polio ravaging Gaza as health infrastructure has been deliberately destroyed throughout the strip.

Displaced Palestinian children queue to for food distributed by aid organizations in Beit Lahia, Gaza. Israel's allies have condemned Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich for calling the starvation of Palestinians "just and moral." Abood Abusalama/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images - Source: Newsweek

For instance, starvation and deprivation of potable water as a deliberate policy in Gaza.

For instance, the fact that U.S. factories make the bombs and the warplanes used to destroy Gaza, and U.S. taxpayers pay for them.

Hate is a thrilling emotion, and fear is a powerful motivator. Glenn Greenwald reminded us that Orwell described the "orange man bad" strategy aptly in Animal Farm where the ascendent pigs threaten the other animals with the prospect of the farmer coming back.

Corporate news constantly hypes the orange man as a threat -- but isn't his name being constantly in the "liberal" media a hint that he'll be elected again (and isn't that what all those trials were really about?). That's how he won in 2016 and how I knew he'd get the Republican nomination in 2024.

I hate fascist government and I'm scared of what it does to the most vulnerable (and, eventually, all of us). But none of the celebrities who are elevated to a position to be official spox scare me as much as the genocide they run interference for.

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