Democrats who represent Maine in the House, Chellie Pingree and gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud, were on hand to celebrate the launch of a $4 billion weapon of mass destruction, the first Zumwalt-class destroyer, at Bath Iron Works earlier this year. The hypocrisy of supporting military contracts that drain away funds for food, housing, health care and education for Maine's low income families is never addressed by the Democratic Party, which claims to advocate for social programs and human needs. |
A standing room only crowd gathered at the Winter Street Church in the shadow of General Dynamics' Bath Iron Works (BIW) shipyard for a public forum on the problem of military contracting impoverishing the many to enrich the few.
Each time an opportunity arises to cut the budget for building weapons systems, elected officials claim that the looming prospect of jobs lost when contracts dry up ties their hands. Or, as panelist Margaret Craven, state senator representing District 16, put it last night: "The only industrial policy this nation has is the Pentagon's industrial policy."
Organizers for the public forum see the current era of mandatory cuts to all federal program under sequestration as a time ripe for recapturing the billions wasted on building weapons. The last opportunity, the end of the Cold War era, was heralded at the time as the turning point in industry's reliance on Pentagon spending.
Clinton is thanked for a federal grant predicted to have BIW producing commercial ships again, and Mitchell touted diversification/conversion (using those very terms) applauding the prediction that BIW would soon turn from only “building warships to commercial production.”
What happened? As Rep. Chellie Pingree explained to me when I challenged her about conversion of BIW some years back, "You get to Congress and they say 'Do you want to put three thousand people out of work your first term in office?'"
Why am I picking on Democrats? Because they talk the conversion talk, but do not walk the walk. I think their duplicity is more dangerous than the blatant war mongering of Republicans, because of all the liberals who sit home on their hands when a Democrat is in office.
State Sen. Craven made an excellent point last night when she observed "people
seem to pick and choose what jobs they act to protect. We in Maine
just turned down 3500 jobs in healthcare. If we as a state turned
down 3500 jobs at BIW there would be sparks flying and we would never
have heard the end of it. If we had turned down even 100 jobs at BIW we would never have heard the end of it.”
(This is a reference to the Republican governor of Maine turning down federal Medicaid funding for several years running.)
She went on to say, "Cuts to military spending have already
drawn screeching from members of Congress...That's what we're told
to do if we get to Washington – bring home the dollars. Unless there are people working on
peace initiatives there are always going to be members of Congress
bringing home the military pork barrel dollars instead."
Much was said on the subject of tax incentive programs that benefit BIW and other corporate entities doing business in the state of Maine -- and every other state in the nation.
Professor Emeritus Orlando Delogu from USM School of Law, spoke up to say that BIW may be the largest beneficiary of Maine's corporate welfare system
but it is by no means the only beneficiary of this largesse....Fortune 500 to mid- size corporations have learned that they
can whipsaw states against each other where they can get the best
deal, the largest bite of a state or local tax rebate that they can
negotiate...Wal-mart no more needs the dollars they squeezed out of Lewiston than BIW and General Dynamics need the dollars they squeezed out of the city of Bath.
defense industry plays this game very, very well. Here we are
continually regaled that if Maine doesn't pony up the latest tax
subsidy to BIW the work will go to another state. What is publicized as a free market
economy is really a corporate subsidy economy. We (Maine)
give $240 million a year in subsidies to entities that don't need the money.
Panelist Mariam Pemberton of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) a progressive think tank in Washington DC, observed that "coming up with a plan to diversify Maine's economy could become a key issue" in upcoming gubernatorial election.
She presented IPS's three point program of action for conversion.
Make the arguments for a shift in budget priorities from
the Pentagon into the domestic side of the budget. Pemberton identified problems with
the current “defense” drawdown:
It's the shallowest drawdown in history
(as a comparison, post Cold War cuts reduced the Pentagon's budget by about 1/3) and also it involves no investment in
the civilian side of the budget. This is needed so defense
contractors and their workers have somewhere to go and something to
is going to keep making warships as long as the only industrial
policy we have is a Pentagon industrial policy.
2) Work with state legislators to create a commission to come up with
plan to diversify Maine's economy. Here she observed "the unions are absolutely key to getting this done."
3) Educate legislators on availability of federal money for planning on how to diversify
Pemberton noted efforts in Connecticut and Maryland to plan for conversion, and expressed her view that "this
is our best shot since the end of the Cold War for coming up with a
peace economy." Her article "Demilitarizing the Economy: A Movement Is Underway" provides details of how the IPS three point plan is being implemented in other locations.
Forum organizer Bruce Gagnon of Midcoast Citizens for Sustainable Economies pointed out that the City
of Bath -- where he resides -- made an economic study in 2009 that identified that the city's tax base is
overly dependent on BIW and failure to diversify the local economy
“could place the City's future prosperity at risk."
cited the UMass economics study on the number of jobs generated by a $1 billion investment in
various forms of economic activity showing that building weapons is the worst choice among many. (Just giving a tax rebate actually generates more jobs.) She went on to explain why
military contracting is a bad job generator -- because relative to other sectors of the economy, even other manufacturing sectors, it is capital intensive and most
of the jobs generated are relatively high salary jobs.
Panelist Leslie Manning of Bath, a former union rep and organizer, noted that there is a lot of waste in Pentagon contracting. Her observation that there is a national movement to call for a Pentagon audit drew hearty applause from the audience.
While listening to the panel I did a bit of research on whether or not Maine's two reps have put their money where their mouth is recently to cut defense spending. Here are the results.
HR 4870 20-Jun-2014
12:31 PM
appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes.
voted yes, Pingree voted no
Both Maine's reps did vote well on some of HR4870's amendments:
165-250 Lee
(D-CA) amendment to prohibit the use of funds to be used for the
purposes of conducting combat operations in Iraq.
Michaud & Pingree voted yes
182-231 Lee
(D-CA) amendment to prohibit use of funds to be obligated or expended
pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against
Iraq Resolution
of 2002.
Michaud & Pingree voted yes
157-260 Lee
(D-CA) amendment to prohibit use of funds to be obligated or expended
pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military of
Force after December 31, 2014.
Michaud & Pingree voted yes
153-260 Lee
(D-CA), to prohibit use of funds for the purpose of conducting combat
operations in Afghanistan after December 31, 2014.
Michaud & Pingree voted yes
Wonder why Mike Michaud voted "yes" after years of "no" votes and telling activists that U.S. military spending is out of control -- did I mention that he got the Democratic Party nomination to run for governor?