Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bath Iron Works Employee: You're On U.S. Government Property

Sometimes it seems to me that our corporate overlords learn nothing from experience. We've reached the stage where they now think glorifying the U.S. war on Vietnam is acceptable because most of the people who remember how brutal and unpopular that losing war was are dead. Here's some of the blathering about that in yesterday's coverage of a warship celebration at General Dynamics' Bath Iron Works shipyard in Maine:

The christening of the Patrick Gallagher honors the memory of a 23 year-old Irish citizen who was killed fighting for the U.S. in the Vietnam War..

“As a proud Irish-American myself, I want to thank you for strengthening the bonds between our two nations,” Sen. [Susan] Collins said during her remarks..

At other times, I see how General Dynamics manages its ceremonies in response to relentless protest and pressure from dissenting taxpayers. A brief list:

  • The ceremony is no longer a public event. This is in response to a judge acquitting us of criminal trespassing charges from a protest in 2017 on the grounds that the sole reason we were arrested rather than allowed in to a public event was the content of our signs. Political speech is protected under the 1st amendment.
  • The main parking lot at BIW has restricted access for attendees. This is in response to blockades of parking lot entrances, other gates, and the road running alongside the lot i.e. Washington Street.
  • The U.S. Coast Guard is deployed on the Kennebec River side of BIW. What are they afraid of, a protest flotilla?
  • A BIW security guard is posted across from the administration building very early on christening day. What are they afraid of, someone vandalizing the offices of the fat cats who profit from supporting genocide? 

A person I know who used to work in those offices reported that BIW execs spent a lot of time planning how to deal with the protesters they know are inevitably on hand when a celebration occurs. Nowadays I bet they also talk about whether they were awakened at dawn by activists calling out BIW execs as war criminals to their neighbors, and spilling non-toxic watercolor "blood" in the gutters in front of their comfortable homes. Who has received this attention? Who might be next?

Here's one thing they haven't learned: GD/BIW is not the U.S. government. (Don't they read my blog LOL?) The BIW employee in the plaid shirt warned me yesterday that I would be arrested for trespassing "on U.S. government property" when I sat down to block an entrance to the mostly empty main parking lot. Then he stepped away and a Bath Police officer cuffed me and put me on a school bus with my friends. We'll see what a judge has to say about that.

This great livestream captures some of the bystanders pointing out that cops should be arresting genociders, not those protesting genocide. "We're just doing our job," said some of the cops. "That's what Nazis at Nuremberg said though, isn't it?" asked a videographer who was on hand.

Some of those just following orders yesterday were Bath PD, county sheriffs and deputies, state police, and even a few cops from nearby towns. 

Not nearby Wiscasset, though. They stationed twenty officers on Route 1 downtown because about 30 of us showed up after Bath to hold signs and do some chanting.

Below, more images from yesterday and a newspaper story about the arrests of nine with a citation issued to a 10th protester, my husband, as he gathered up banners and other items left behind.

I'm especially grateful to artist Natasha Mayers who created the dead child puppet I was cradling. She created several puppets, a sign expressing solidarity with all the grieving parents, and this sadly beautiful collage called Flavors of Genocide.

I missed most of the rally, speakers, and music at yesterday's protest due to my arrest, but when I find documentation of those events I will share them.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Life In Interesting Times

No one can say yesterday wasn't eventful. But are events trending ever more toward the dark side? You be the judge.

Hundreds of Jewish protesters were arrested in the U.S. Capitol July 22

Israeli PM Netanyahu got 58 standing ovations from the corporate tools in Congress while 25 congress critters sat out his remarks. Here in Maine our four person delegation split, with the odious Senator Susan Collins and Jared Golden, the wannabe Republican who ran as a Democrat deep in Trump country, on hand to applaud genocide. "Independent" Senator Angus King and Democrat Chellie Pingree boycotted the speech; Pingree allegedly because she disapproves of a genocide she's voted to fund several times, and King because he doesn't like Netanyahu personally.

Also in Maine yesterday the spouse of presumed Dem candidate VP Kamala Harris appeared, ostensibly to speak at an abortion clinic, but really to attend a big ticket fundraiser in Falmouth.

In more personal news, my husband and I and nine others had our charges dismissed in Cumberland County Court. We were arrested February 2 in Portland for blocking Franklin arterial at the on and off ramps of I-295. The DA offered to dismiss the charges in exchange for our doing a certain amount of community service, but we instructed our attorney to argue that we were doing community service when we blocked the road. Also that most of us do community service regularly and can document that. 

After we prevailed we went on to a stand out in solidarity with the Arrest Netanyahu demonstrations raging in DC. A good crowd gathered at Monument Square in Portland but the only media coverage was a highly critical right wing outlet that nonetheless shared this photo I'm proud of:

Portland city workers remove stickers almost immediately, but thanks to the documentation this image will live on forever on the interwebs.

Then there was the anticlimactic speech by President Biden confirming that the mysterious tweet conveying an unofficial letter with an odd version of his signature had sealed the deal: he is withdrawing his candidacy for a second term. Many have described his disappearance and the meteoric rise of his VP to inherit the spot as iffy. Now that he's delivered the speech on live television we know he's alive at least and plans to finish out six more months of presiding over genocide in Gaza and nationcide in Ukraine.

Here's a game for you: who told more lies in their speech yesterday, Bibi or Biden? Here are some of the whoppers I noticed.

"Three thousand Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel. They butchered 1,200 people"

As has been amply documented, that is an inflated number; actually 1,139 died on October 7. Even more to the point, many of the Israelis and foreign tourists who died on October 7 were actually killed by the Israeli military -- some by accident, and some by Israeli soldiers carrying out the Hannibal directive.

"Two months ago, I authorized a breathtaking commando rescue operation."

Breathtakingly bad, yes, in that it killed scores of civilians and some of the hostages themselves, succeeding in recovering only three of them.

"Yet incredibly many anti-Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil.. They stand with people who came into the kibbutzim, into a home, the parents hid the children, the two babies, in the attic, in a secret attic. They murdered the family, the parents, they found the secret latch to the hidden attic and then they murdered the babies."

There is no evidence for this claim about Hamas killing two babies in an attic. But the U.S. Congress applauded the lie anyway.

"We recently learned from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, that Iran is funding and promoting anti-Israel protests in America."

Any evidence for this claim other than hearsay? And consider the source. I've been protesting non-stop and nobody, Iranian or otherwise, has offered me any money for it.

"For all we know, Iran is funding the anti-Israel protests that are going on right now outside this building—not that many, but they’re there"

Screengrab from video shared on social media of wildlife dumped on Netanyahu's table at the Watergate Hotel.

In fact thousands were involved in protests the night before, targeting the hotel where Netanyahu was staying with insects and wake up calls throughout the night. During the speech thousands were pepper sprayed by police for stopping in the road, and they burned an effigy of Bibi in front of Union Station. An alleged Mossad infiltrator burned an American flag.

"These protesters chant 'From the river to the sea.' But many don’t have a clue what river and what sea they’re talking about."

Ad hominem attacks are the sign of a weak argument. Pretty sure the Jordan River and and Mediterranean Sea are well known to pro-Palestine chanters, at least the ones I stand and march with.

"For nearly four thousand years, the land of Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people."

Nope. Israel was created in 1948 as a settler colonial project to take in Jews that had survived the Nazi Holocaust in Europe. Oh, and Jews terrorized by Zionists in Iraq to motivate them to emigrate to the Zionist entity.

"Whenever and wherever we see the scourge of antisemitism, we must unequivocally condemn it and resolutely fight it, without exception."

Torah Jews who reject Zionism condemn it as...antisemitic. Police in Israel beat them up for expressing their beliefs.

"Israel has enabled more than 40,000 aid trucks to enter Gaza. That’s half a million tons of food, and that’s more than 3,000 calories for every man, woman and child in Gaza. If there are Palestinians in Gaza who aren’t getting enough food, it’s not because Israel is blocking it, it’s because Hamas is stealing it."

Evidence that Bibi has calculated the calories needed to either feed or starve people, but we've also seen ample documentation of Israel blocking food aid coming by land or by sea.

"The IDF has dropped millions of flyers, sent millions of text messages, made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way."

Then, once they're herded together in tent encampments or sheltering in UNRWA schools or in hospitals, the Israeli military bombs them there. Loads of evidence and documentation of these repeated war crimes.

"I asked the commander there, “How many terrorists did you take out in Rafah?” He gave me an exact number: 1,203. I asked him, “How many civilians were killed?” He said, “Prime Minister, practically none. With the exception of a single incident, where shrapnel from a bomb hit a Hamas weapons depot and unintentionally killed two dozen people, the answer is practically none.” 

Here Bibi amplifies an outrageous lie told to him that he apparently believed?

"victory is in sight"

In fact, Israel has been and is losing badly. The blockade of its ports and shipping by Ansar Allah in Yemen has deeply affected their economic well-being, and the call up of so many reservists has gutted businesses who depend on their labor. Israel's Supreme Court recently lifted the exemption of ultra Orthodox Jews from compulsory military service to address this problem.

Ok I could go on but let's transition to the liar in chief.

Biden said while sitting at the Resolute Desk (whatever the fuck that is):

"we are a great nation because we are a good people"

We are actually a settler colonial state built on the corpses of the indigenous people we slaughtered, land theft, and the enslavement and torture of millions of Africans. We have the highest incarceration rate of any country on the planet, and guess who's mostly in our prisons?

"Over the next six months, I’ll be focused on doing my job as president. That means I’ll continue to lower costs for hard-working families, grow our economy. I’ll keep defending our personal freedoms and our civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose. I’ll keep calling out hate and extremism, make it clear there is no place, no place in America for political violence or any violence ever, period. I’m going to keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence, our planet from climate crisis, is the existential threat."

Not a single one of the those claims is true except possibly the remark about his plan to focus between now and January.

"I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world."

His most giant whopper. We have "boots on the ground" in so many countries I don't have time to list them all, 800+ military bases in other countries with new ones coming on line daily, and we're teetering on the verge (some say, we're in the early days of) WWIII. 

"when I came to office, the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States. That’s not the case anymore."

I take it back, maybe this is his biggest whopper. China is ahead in diplomacy, health, infrastructure, economic growth, eradication of poverty -- I could go on but you get the idea.

"We’re leading the world again in chips and science and innovation. We finally beat Big Pharma after all these years, to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors, and I’m going to keep fighting to make sure we lower the cost for everyone, not just seniors."

Uh huh. China is ahead in chips and several countries -- Iran, Russia, even North Korea -- are ahead in hypersonic weapons. In fact, so far ahead that the U.S. and Israel can no longer defend against them.

"the most significant climate law ever, ever in the history of the world"

Yeah, Joe, that really seems to be working as we've had several consecutive hottest days ever recorded this summer and you opened up federal lands to drilling.

" America is an idea, an idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant."

The world ocean is inarguably several times bigger than "America" which is actually a continent, not a country. I just hope whoever wrote this hyperbolic garbage at my expense didn't get paid too much for it.

""The great thing about America is here kings and dictators do not rule, the people do."
If by people you mean corporate lobbyists and their billionaire bosses then -- I guess so? 

In fact this is the fabric of dishonesty that the rest of this tapestry is woven into: the Democratic Party just undemocratically nominated a third candidate for the Resolute Desk following rejection of the people's choice in 2016 and 2020. For 2024, they weren't taking any chances and have circumvented the entire primary and convention nominating process to choose a candidate that literally no voter wanted last time she ran in a primary.

And they will now proceed to shove Harris down our throats to stave off the threat of another Trump presidency which is almost certain to occur unless he loses his uncanny ability to dodge bullets (actually, shrapnel from the shattered teleprompter on his podium).

As the old Chinese curse goes, may you live in interesting times. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Top Cop To Be Face Of Fake Progressive Party As Civil Unrest Grows

I've felt for the past few years that the U.S. is showing signs of a civil war that could stave off the revolution we so sorely need. With that in mind, the elevation of genocide supporter and fake progressive Kamala Harris makes a lot of sense.

The Democratic Party and its media minions would have you believe that because someone is a person of color and identifies as female they must, by definition, be progressive. Identity politics has warped the minds of many who seem blinded to the fact the servants of our corporate overlords come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.

Yes, nominating a Black-Indian woman will trigger an avalanche of racist and misogynist invective from the white supremacy crowd who are terrified at inexorably losing their grip on privilege.

Again, useful from the standpoint of fanning the flames of civil unrest in the U.S.

But I think that is a secondary consideration for empire managers. Actually the inarticulate and uncharismatic Harris has a resume tailor-made for the increased repression that will be necessary in order to keep power in the hands of the wealthy few.

During Harris' campaign for president she earned exactly zero delegates but was inexplicably chosen as Biden's running mate anyway. Law professor Marjorie Cohn did a deep dive into Harris' track record at the time to provide us with the relevant facts. So relevant that I'm going to reshare Cohn's piece just without the 2019-specific intro:

Harris, who served as San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011 and California attorney general from 2011 to 2017, describes herself as a “progressive prosecutor.” Harris’s prosecutorial record, however, is far from progressive.

Through her apologia for egregious prosecutorial misconduct, her refusal to allow DNA testing for a probably innocent death row inmate, her opposition to legislation requiring the attorney general’s office to independently investigate police shootings and more, she has made a significant contribution to the sordid history of injustice she decries.

Harris Tried to Whitewash Jail Informant Scandal

For years, perhaps decades, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, in cooperation with the Orange County District Attorney, or OCDA, planted teams of informants in jail to illegally elicit confessions.

Deputy sheriffs placed informants near defendants who were represented by counsel to obtain statements from them. Prosecutors were aware of this program and explicitly or implicitly promised benefits to informants. This violated the defendants’ Sixth Amendment right to counsel.

In People v. Dekraai (2016) [when Harris was California AG], an informant in this program illegally obtained statements from the defendant. After the prosecutor agreed not to use the statements, Dekraai pled guilty to murder and was preparing his defense for a trial on whether he would get the death penalty. He asked the judge to find that the OCDA had a conflict of interest because of its involvement in the jail informant program.

Over a six-month period, the judge held two hearings and heard from 39 witnesses.

The judge found that many witnesses, including prosecutors and law enforcement officers, were “credibility challenged” about the nature of the informant program and their role in it. Some couldn’t remember, the judge determined, but “others undoubtedly lied.”

Thus, the judge concluded that the OCDA had a conflict of interest and recused the entire OCDA office, removing it from any further involvement in Scott Evan Dekraai’s case.

Kamala Harris, who at that time was serving as state attorney general, would then take over the prosecution of the death penalty phase of Dekraai’s trial. But Harris appealed the judge’s ruling and opposed the recusal of the OCDA.

In 2016, the Court of Appeal rejected Harris’s argument and upheld the trial judge’s recusal of the OCDA. The appellate court wrote in its opinion:

“On the last page of the Attorney General’s reply brief it states, ‘The trial court’s order recusing the OCDA from prosecuting Dekraai’s penalty phase trial was a remedy in search of a conflict.’ Nonsense. The court recused the OCDA only after lengthy evidentiary hearings where it heard a steady stream of evidence regarding improper conduct by the prosecution team. To suggest the trial judge prejudged the case is reckless and grossly unfair. These proceedings were a search for the truth. The order is affirmed.”

Attorney Jerome Wallingford represented a man who, like Dekraai, was a victim of the illegal Orange County jail informant program.

“Harris should’ve done her job and investigated the informant program based on the findings of the Court of Appeal in the Dekraai case,” Wallingford told Truthout. “But instead, she tried to whitewash the scandal by protecting the DA and blaming the sheriff.”

The job of the attorney general is not to protect the DA. As chief law enforcement officer of the state, the attorney general’s duty is “to see that the laws of the State are uniformly and adequately enforced,” as mandated by Article V of the California Constitution. Harris violated her legal duty in this case.

Harris Minimized ‘Outrageous Misconduct’

Harris minimized “outrageous government misconduct” in People v. Velasco-Palacios (2015). The trial court found the prosecutor “deliberately altered an interrogation transcript to include a confession that could be used to justify charges carrying a life sentence, and he distributed it to defense counsel during a period of time when [the prosecutor] knew defense counsel was trying to persuade defendant to settle the case.”

After the prosecutor snuck the fabricated confession into the record, it caused the defense counsel to urge the defendant to plead guilty, which undermined the trust the client had in his lawyer.

The trial judge determined that the prosecutor’s action was “egregious, outrageous, and shocked the conscience,” and dismissed the case. Harris’s office appealed.

The Court of Appeal affirmed the dismissal, noting that “dismissal is an appropriate sanction for government misconduct that is egregious enough to prejudice a defendant’s constitutional rights.”

Significantly, the appellate court stated that “egregious violations of a defendant’s constitutional rights are sufficient to establish outrageous government misconduct.”

But the Court of Appeal rejected Harris’s argument that if the conduct wasn’t physically brutal, it would not satisfy the “shock the conscience” standard required for dismissal.

Once again, Harris was covering up prosecutorial misconduct and ignoring the Supreme Court’s admonition in Berger v. U.S. that the duty of a prosecutor “is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done.”

Harris: Less-than-progressive record. (Office of the Attorney General of California via Wikimedia Commons)

Harris Opposed Investigations of Police Shootings

These cases are not isolated examples of Harris’s less-than-progressive record as a prosecutor.

“Time after time, when progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms as a district attorney and then the state’s attorney general, Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent,” University of San Francisco School of Law Professor Lara Bazelon wrote in a New York Times article titled, “Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor.’”

Bazelon added, “Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.”

After a federal judge ruled in 2014 that California’s death penalty system had become so dysfunctional it “violate[d] the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment,” Harris appealed the decision. As a result, California’s death penalty was upheld and remains in place today.

Harris refused DNA testing that could exonerate Kevin Cooper, a likely innocent man on death row, and she opposed statewide body-worn police cameras. Harris favored criminalizing truancy, raising cash bail fees and keeping prisoners locked up for cheap labor.

She also supported reporting arrested undocumented juveniles to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, covering for corrupt police lab technicians and blocking gender confirmation surgery for a transgender prisoner. A U.S. District Court judge concluded that withholding the surgery constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment.

Many of Harris’s prosecutorial actions disproportionately hurt people of color.

Harris opposed legislation requiring the attorney general’s office to independently investigate police shootings resulting in death. In 2016, members of the California Legislative Black Caucus called on Harris to do more to strengthen accountability for police misconduct.

Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy (D-Sacramento), a member of the Black Caucus, told The Los Angeles Times, “The African American and civil rights community have been disappointed that [Harris] hasn’t come out stronger on this.

Harris Helped ‘Foreclosure King’

Although many of Harris’s prosecutorial actions harmed people of color, a notable one helped the white “foreclosure king” — Steve Mnuchin, [who became] Trump’s Treasury secretary.

Mnuchin was CEO of OneWest Bank from 2009-2015. A 2013 memo obtained by The Intercept alleges that “OneWest rushed delinquent homeowners out of their homes by violating notice and waiting period statutes, illegally backdated key documents, and effectively gamed foreclosure auctions.”

After a yearlong investigation, the California attorney general’s Consumer Law Section “uncovered evidence suggestive of widespread misconduct.” In 2013, they recommended that Harris prosecute a civil enforcement lawsuit against the bank.

Former headquarters of OneWest Bank, Pasadena, California. (Coolcaesar, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

“Without any explanation,” Harris’s office declined to initiate litigation in the case.

Mnuchin donated $2,000 to Harris’s Senate campaign in February 2016. It was his only donation to a Democratic candidate.

In January 2017, the Campaign for Accountability claimed that Mnuchin and OneWest Bank used “potentially illegal tactics to foreclose on as many as 80,000 California homes,” and called for a federal investigation.

Harris wrote in her memoir, The Truths We Hold, “America has a deep and dark history of people using the power of the prosecutor as an instrument of injustice.”

She added,

“I know this history well — of innocent men framed, of charges brought against people without sufficient evidence, of prosecutors hiding information that would exonerate defendants, of the disproportionate application of the law.”

Indeed, the public record indicates that as district attorney and later as attorney general of California, Harris has contributed to the injustice she claims to abhor.

And it get worse. Harris has a record of incarcerating the chronically ill parents of truant children, and the parents of chronically ill children. She also failed to release prisoners whose sentences had been served, arguing that that their labor in prison was profitable to the state of California. Her career actions resulted in negative impacts on, disproportionately, people of color and their families.

Top cop Harris seems eminently qualified oversee ramping up suppression of domestic dissent, does she not?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Russia's Foreign Minister On How To Avoid WWIII

Translation: Enough, my dear, enough! Said by Muhammed Bhar. Age 24 and living with Down's syndrome and autism, he was tortured to death in his home by Israel's military. When I hear the phrase "the end of history" I think of shit like this -- because the Western "rules based order" can't end soon enough as far as I'm concerned.

Sergei Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, addressed the United Nations Security Council about the rules based order on July 16. His speech is well worth reading in its entirety as it lays out not just the intention but a roadmap for avoiding another catastrophic world war.

I'm going to paste in the whole English translation found on Consortium News but if it's TL;DR you can watch the video instead, or peruse these highlights I pulled.


Deputy Secretary of Defence Kathleen Hicks said the United States and its allies must be “prepared for the possibility of protracted war…and not just in Europe, either.”


Where are the free market attributes that the United States and its allies have been telling everyone to follow for so many years? Market economy, fair competition, inviolability of private property, presumption of innocence, freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services – all of these have been scrapped.


it is necessary to reinstate professional diplomacy, the culture of dialogue, the ability to listen and hear and to retain the channels of crisis communications.

The lives of millions of people depend on the ability of politicians and diplomats to formulate something like a common perception of the future. 


“The end of history” has failed to materialise. Let us work together in the interests of launching the history of genuine multilateralism that reflects the entire wealth of cultural and civilisational diversity of the world’s nations.


I would like to extend a warm welcome to distinguished dignitaries present in the Security Council Chamber. Their participation in today’s meeting confirms the importance of the subject under review. In accordance with Rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representatives of Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Africa, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Türkiye, the UAE, Uganda, Vietnam, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to take part in the session.

In accordance with Rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite His Excellency Stavros Lambrinidis, Head of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations, to participate in this meeting.

The Security Council will now begin its consideration of agenda item 2. I would like to draw the attention of the Council members to document S/2024/537, a cover letter dated July 9, 2024 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres for a policy brief on the item under review.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your Excellency,

Today, the very foundations of the international legal order – strategic stability and the U.N.-centric system of international politics – are put to the test. We won’t be able to resolve the mounting conflicts unless we understand their root causes and restore faith in our ability to join forces for the common good and justice for all.

Let’s face it: not all countries represented in this chamber recognise the key principle of the U.N. Charter which is the sovereign equality of all states. Speaking through its presidents, the United States has long declared its exceptionalism. This applies to Washington’s attitude towards its allies, whom it demands to be unquestioningly obedient even to the detriment of their national interests.

Rule, America! This is the thrust of the notorious “rules-based order” which presents a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace.

The most important components of international law – the U.N. Charter and the resolutions of our Council – are interpreted by the collective West in a perverse and selective manner, depending on the instructions coming from the White House. Numerous Security Council resolutions have been ignored altogether, among them Resolution 2202, which approved the Minsk agreements on Ukraine, and Resolution 1031, which approved the Dayton Agreement on peace in BiH on the basis of the principle of equal rights of the three constituent peoples and two entities.

We can discuss endlessly the sabotage of the resolutions on the Middle East. Just think back to what Antony Blinken had to say in an interview with CNN in February 2021 taking a question about what he thinks about the decision of the previous US administration to recognise the Syrian Golan Heights as part of Israel. In case someone is not sure what his answer was, I will refresh your memory. The Secretary of State said, “Leaving aside the legalities of that question, as a practical matter, the Golan is very important to Israel’s security.”

This is despite the fact that U.N. Security Council Resolution 497 of 1981, which you and I are well aware of and which no one has cancelled, qualifies annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel as illegal. However, according to those very “rules,” to quote Mr Blinken, “legal questions are something else.” And, of course, everyone remembers the statement by the US Ambassador to the U.N. that Resolution 2728 adopted on March 25 demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip “is not legally binding,” meaning that the American “rules” supersede Article 25 of the U.N. Charter.

Last century, George Orwell predicted the essence of the rules-based order in the novel Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” It means that you are allowed to do what you wish if you follow orders from the ruling leader. But if you dare to protect your national interests, you will be declared an outlaw and beleaguered by sanctions.

Washington’s hegemonistic policy has been the same for decades. Absolutely all schemes of Euro-Atlantic security were based on America’s domination, including the subjugation of Europe and the “containment” of Russia. The main role in this was assigned to NATO, which has ultimately tramped down the European Union that had been created to serve Europeans. The alliance has unceremoniously privatised OSCE bodies in brazen violation of the Helsinki Final Act.

The unrestrained enlargement of NATO, which went on for years contrary to Moscow’s warnings, has also provoked the Ukraine crisis that began with the state coup organised by Washington in February 2014 to seize full control of Ukraine and use the neo-Nazi regime they brought to power to prepare an attack on Russia. When Petr Poroshenko, and after him Vladimir Zelensky, waged a war against their own citizens in Donbass, outlawed Russian education, Russian culture, Russian media and the Russian language and banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, nobody in the West noticed that, and nobody demanded that their wardens in Kiev “observe the proprieties” and respect international conventions on the rights of national minorities or the Constitution of Ukraine, which stipulates respect for these rights.

It is to eliminate these threats to the national security of Russia, to protect the people who consider themselves part of Russian culture and live on the land that their ancestors developed for centuries, as well as to save them from legal and physical extermination that the special military operation began.

It is notable that today, when numerous initiatives are advanced for a settlement in Ukraine, few remember that Kiev trampled on the human rights and the rights of national minorities. It was only recently that a relevant request had been added to the EU documents on the start of negotiations, and then mostly thanks to Hungary’s firm position of principle. However, Brussels’s ability and willingness to influence the Kiev regime are open to speculation.

We urge everyone who is sincerely interested in overcoming the crisis in Ukraine to formulate their proposals with due regard for the fundamental issue of ensuring the rights of all, without exception, ethnic minorities. Its suppression will debase any peace initiatives, while giving de facto approval to Vladimir Zelensky’s racist policy. It is notable that ten years ago, in 2014, Zelensky said, quote: “If people in eastern Ukraine and Crimea want to speak Russian, leave them alone and let them speak Russian on legal grounds. Language will never divide our country.”  But Washington has disciplined him, and in 2021 Zelensky said in an interview that those who regard themselves as part of Russian culture should pack up and go to Russia for the sake of their children and grandchildren.

I call on the masters of the Ukrainian regime to make it respect Article 1.3 of the U.N. Charter, which declares respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all “without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.”


The North Atlantic Alliance is no longer satisfied with the war it has unleashed against Russia by the hands of the illegitimate government in Kiev, nor is it satisfied with the entire OSCE space. Having destroyed almost to the ground the fundamental agreements on arms control, the United States continues to escalate the confrontation.

At a recently held summit in Washington, D.C., the leaders of the NATO countries reaffirmed their claims to the leading role not only in the Euro-Atlantic but also in the Asia-Pacific region. They declared that NATO is still guided by the objective of defending the territory of its members, but for this purpose they allegedly need to extend the alliance’s dominance to the entire Eurasian continent and adjacent sea areas.

NATO’s military infrastructure is moving into the Pacific with the obvious aim of undermining the ASEAN-centric architecture, which has for many decades been built on the principles of equality, mutual interests and consensus. To replace the inclusive mechanisms created around ASEAN, the United States and its allies are cobbling up closed confrontational blocs such as AUKUS and other groups of four or three countries that are subordinate to them. The other day Deputy Secretary of Defence Kathleen Hicks said the United States and its allies must be “prepared for the possibility of protracted war…and not just in Europe, either.”

For the sake of “containing” Russia, China and other countries whose independent policies are perceived as a challenge to hegemony, the West, through its aggressive actions, is breaking the system of globalisation, which was originally formed according to its own moulds. Washington has done everything to blow up (including literally by organising terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines) the foundations of mutually beneficial energy cooperation between Russia and Germany and Europe as a whole. Berlin was silent at the time.

Today, we see yet another humiliation of Germany, whose government unquestioningly obeyed the US decision to deploy US ground-based medium-range missiles on German territory. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said simple-heartedly that the United States has decided to deploy precision strike systems in Germany, and “it is a necessary and important decision at the right time.” The United States has decided so.

On top of it, White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby stated on behalf of the US President that they were not seeking a third world war, since it would have terrible consequences for Europe. A Freudian slip, as they say. Washington is convinced that it is not the US that will suffer from a new global war, but its European allies. If the Biden administration’s strategy is based on such an analysis, it is an extremely dangerous misconception. Europeans, of course, must realise the suicidal role they are destined to play.

The Americans, having called the entire collective West to arms, are expanding the trade and economic war with the unwanted actors, having unleashed an unprecedented campaign of unilateral coercive measures that are backfiring, primarily, on Europe and further fragment the global economy. The countries of the Global South in Asia, Africa and Latin America are suffering from the neo-colonial practices of Western countries. Illegal sanctions, numerous protectionist measures, restrictions on access to technology directly contradict genuine multilateralism and create serious obstacles to achieving the goals of the U.N. development agenda.

Where are the free market attributes that the United States and its allies have been telling everyone to follow for so many years? Market economy, fair competition, inviolability of private property, presumption of innocence, freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services – all of these have been scrapped. Geopolitics has buried the laws of the market that the West once touted as sacred. Recently, we have heard public demands from the US and EU officials for China to reduce overproduction in high-tech industries, as the West has begun to lose its long-standing advantages in these sectors as well. Now, the very same “rules” have superseded market principles.


The actions of the United States and its allies are hindering international cooperation and the creation of a more just world. They have taken countries and regions hostage, prevent nations from realising their sovereign rights declared in the U.N. Charter, and interfere with their vital joint efforts to settle conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and other regions, to reduce global inequality and combat the threats of terrorism and drug crime, hunger and diseases.

I am confident that this situation can be changed if there is good will, of course. To stop the implementation of a negative scenario, we would like to propose to discuss a number of steps towards restoring trust and stabilising the international situation.

1. The root causes of the ongoing crisis in Europe should be eliminated once and for all. The conditions for restoring stable peace in Ukraine have been put forth by President of Russia Vladimir Putin. There is no need to repeat them.

A political and diplomatic settlement should be complemented with practical steps, to be taken in the West and the Euro-Atlantic community, to remove threats to the Russian Federation. The coordination of mutual guarantees and agreements should be based on the recognition of the new geostrategic realities on the Eurasian continent, where a continental architecture of really equal and indivisible security is taking shape. Europe risks lagging behind this objective historical process. We are ready to discuss a balance of interests.

2. The restoration of the regional and global balance of forces should be accompanied with active efforts to eliminate injustices in the global economy. There must be no monopoly in monetary and financial regulation, trade and technologies, by definition. This opinion is shared by the overwhelming majority of international community. It is extremely important to reform the Bretton-Woods institutions and the WTO as soon as possible, for their operations must reflect the real weight of the non-Western growth and development centres.

3. Major fundamental changes are necessary in other institutes of global governance if we want them to work to the benefit of all. This primarily concerns the United Nations Organisation, which remains the embodiment of multilateralism against all the odds, with unique and universal legitimacy and universally recognised broad competencies.

An important step towards the restoration of the U.N.’s effectiveness would be the reconfirmation by all member states of their commitment to the principles of the U.N. Charter, not selectively but in their entirety and as a whole. The form of this reconfirmation can be discussed jointly.

The Group of Friends in Defence of the U.N. Charter, created at the initiative of Venezuela, is doing a great deal towards this. We invite all countries that believe in the priority of international law to join its efforts.

The pivotal element of the reform of the U.N. should be the reshuffle of the U.N. Security Council, although this alone will not promote efficiency without a fundamental agreement of the permanent members on its operating methods.  However, this must not hinder the imperative elimination of the geographic and geopolitical imbalances in the Security Council, which clearly has too many representatives of the collective West. A badly needed step is to reach the broadest accord possible on the concrete parameters of the reform, which should increase the representation of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The personnel policy of the U.N. Secretariat should be changed as well to eliminate the domination of Western citizens and subjects in the administrative U.N. bodies. The U.N. Secretary-General and his staff must faithfully and with no exceptions comply with the principles of impartiality and neutrality, as it is set out in Article 100 of the U.N. Charter, which we keep reminding you about.

4. The strengthening of the foundations of multipolarity should not only be promoted by the U.N. but also by other international organisations, including the Group of Twenty where all countries of the Global Majority and the West are represented.   The mandate of G20 is restricted to discussing economic and development issues, and it is important to protect substantive dialogue at this venue from populist attempts to add geopolitical topics to its agenda. This might destroy this useful platform.

BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation are playing an increasing role in the development of a just multilateral world based on the principles of the U.N. Charter. Their member states represent different regions and civilisations whose interaction is based on equality, mutual respect, consensus and mutually accepted compromises, which is the golden standard of multilateral cooperation involving great powers.

Regional associations have practical significance for the development of multipolarity, including the CIS, the CSTO, the EAEU, ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Arab League, the African Union and CELAC. We believe that it is important to develop multifaceted ties between these associations, including by using the U.N. potential. Russia will devote one of the next meetings during its Security Council Presidency to interaction between the U.N. and Eurasian regional organisations.


On July 9, 2024, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, addressing the BRICS Parliamentary Forum in St Petersburg, noted: “The formation of a world order that reflects the real balance of forces and the new geopolitical, economic and demographic reality is a complicated and, unfortunately, even painful process.” We believe that discussions of this issue should not devolve into fruitless polemics, and that they should hinge on a sober assessment of the totality of facts. First of all, it is necessary to reinstate professional diplomacy, the culture of dialogue, the ability to listen and hear and to retain the channels of crisis communications.

The lives of millions of people depend on the ability of politicians and diplomats to formulate something like a common perception of the future. It depends on member countries alone whether our world will be diverse and equitable. The Charter of our Organisation is our foothold. The United Nations will be able to overcome current disagreements and to reach consensus on most issues if everyone, without exception, honours its letter and spirit. “The end of history” has failed to materialise. Let us work together in the interests of launching the history of genuine multilateralism that reflects the entire wealth of cultural and civilisational diversity of the world’s nations. We are inviting everyone to join the discussion, which should certainly be completely honest.