Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Felon Is Not A Dirty Word

Guest post today by my friend Jamila Levasseurseen here testifying in favor of divestment from Israel at the University of Maine Board of Trustees meeting earlier this month. She's an alum of the University of Southern Maine, as am I, but we know each other from standing with the Palestinian resistance, opposing genocide, and waging a "Stop Arming Israel" campaign here in our state.


By Jamila Levasseur

“Felon” is not a dirty word.

At least it shouldn’t be. But lately I’ve been noticing a disturbing new trend in liberal protest signage. Somebody came up with “F-ELON + FELON” and it’s popping up amidst other signs at rallies calling out disastrous threats to free speech, cuts to healthcare and education, environmental regulation rollbacks and firing of civil service workers.

A “F-ELON + FELON” sign even showed up at the weekly downtown standout I attend where a bunch of us gather every week to protest the Israel/U.S. genocide of Palestinian people. We’ve been doing this since October 2023. Some of us wave Palestinian flags, others carry messages intended to remind folks that guided missile systems made right here in Maine along with our tax dollars and complacency are responsible for incinerating entire families in Gaza.

What’s with these FELON signs? Is this someone’s idea of clever?

Jamila being arrested while protesting at General Dynamics' Bath Iron Works shipyard July 2024. 

The U.S. locks up more people than any other country in the world, and the latest figures I could find (from 2010) estimated there are 19 million people in this great country who are burdened with the collateral consequences of a felony conviction. This includes both those currently and formerly incarcerated, and the number is undoubtedly even higher today. Black and Brown and poor people are disproportionately represented in these figures.

The staggering rate of felony convictions is the result of our profit-driven industry of mass incarceration, systemic racism, crippling poverty in a country run on capitalist greed, draconian drug laws, and a host of other factors. None of this should be surprising. For too long we’ve been mostly passive, while oligarchs from the two major political parties drag us into further decline.

Genocide-enabler Biden was also the architect behind Clinton-era “criminal justice reform” and therefore responsible for not only the mass carnage in Gaza but the era of mass incarceration in the U.S. He’s an unindicted war criminal, but he’ll get away with it and Democrats will line up to buy his sanitized memoir when it hits Amazon’s warehouse bins.

I’m not plugging Amazon here, quite the contrary. Support your local independent bookstore! There are lots of reasons to boycott Amazon, including the cloud technology it provides to Israel’s military to make apartheid more efficient and deadlier for Palestinians. If that doesn’t bother you, what about Amazon’s abysmal rates of worker injuries in its fast-paced warehouses?

But I digress.

Trump and his billionaire buddy Elon are criminals too, and surely there are plenty of nasty words that could be used to describe them. Surely you can come up with something more creative than FELON.

When you use the word FELON pejoratively, it is a slap in the face to every parent who’s got a child in prison, every son or daughter who only gets to see their mom or dad in the confines of a stifling visiting room with plastic chairs, vending machines and patrolling guards, every spouse who waits for that fifteen-minute monitored phone call to let them know their husband or wife survived another day of hell.  When you use FELON like it was a dirty word, you are pissing on every person in this country whose felony conviction limits their career choices, their housing options, their possibilities of a decent paycheck and maybe their voting rights.

Photo sent to me by Ken Jones of North Carolina in response to my saying recent rallies in opposition to 47's administration lacked pro-Palestine messaging.

While neither Democrat nor Republican war criminals will ever see a day behind bars, there are lots of fine, principled women and men in this country – former political prisoners with felony convictions – who continue to work every day for an end to genocide, militarism, racism, poverty and environmental devastation.  These are people who paid huge prices to try and create a better world. They didn’t wait till Trump got elected to get out there with protest signs. They continue to hit the streets, to educate, to organize.

So please, stop using FELON as a dirty word.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Sourcing Seeds While Boycotting Israel, Part 2

I'm following up on my original Sourcing Seeds While Boycotting Israel post which shared research conducted by my friend Mary Dunn and has 6,000+ views to date. This is clearly a topic of keen interest in the days before spring arrives in the northern hemisphere amidst ongoing genocide in Gaza.

I am thrilled to share that my husband reached out to the farmer who starts our seeds for us -- a necessity for many veggies here in central Maine with its short growing season. She was happy to grow the seeds we provide rather than using seeds from Johnny's, a Maine seed company that has not pledged to boycott Israeli seeds. I am relieved because growing our own starts required a lot of work and still never achieved robust ready-for-planting seedlings that support better harvests.

A somewhat outdated article in the Bangor Daily News caused confusion for some of us as it seemed to contradict what Mary found about Maine seed company Fedco. But her contacts with Fedco are more recent and found this:

Hi Lisa,

Fedco has not pledged to stop carrying Israeli seed and personally, I doubt they will. 

6 months into the genocide they posted on their Insta page that they supported a ceasefire. It took them 6 months to say that. They have said they did not buy Israeli seeds this year. (They had enough in stock). They have not said they will never buy Israeli seed again. 

They have never called for the liberation of Palestinian people. 

I emailed again two weeks ago. No reply.  I call them the worst form of BS. Presenting themselves as a company with a social justice bent when in fact they aren’t. 

Time for an LTE. 

Thanks for sharing.


PS- Johnny's has never replied to anyone.


Finally, I call your attention to a blogger I respect who addresses a burning question of the 21st century:
Can We Feed Ourselves Just Out Of Our Vegetable Gardens? Kollibri terre Sonnenblume has returned to this question several times over the years sharing the result of many cooperative attempts to do so. The short answer is "No" but the long answer is fascinating and can be summed up by his subhed: "Anything helps and what you learn will be valuable." I would say this is true of his blog overall as he approaches subjects like climate change and sustainable growing with deep philosophical understanding.

(All garden photos mine. Here are a couple more to say, I'm also very thankful for food crops that don't need replanting each year!)