Thursday, August 22, 2024

Swarmed By DNC Narrative Control Bots

I just can't help myself. I keep leaving online comments and submitting letters to editors pointing out the hypocrisy of liberal Democrats on the Gaza genocide. As I said on Dan Yaseen's Speaking Truth to Empire radio show yesterday, we are told we must support Harris in order to save democracy, but what democracy? 

No Palestinian was allowed to speak at their convention. Journalists were arrested covering protests outside in Chicago and their cameras were broken by police. 

Prior to the convention, Harris told genocide protesters to shut up with a now iconic condescending statement that has since generated many a meme.

Here's the new thing though -- now my online posts draw a veritable swarm of loyal Democrats. Viewed together their comments makes a comprehensive playbook of the DNC strategy to win this election. 

Let's play a game -- which ones do you think are bots and which are actual people?

Here's the wildest one so far:

If you're not steeped in false dichotomy thinking you may have to read that more than once to grasp the argument calling these lies into service. Here's a simpler version:

The orange man is so bad that he's still controlling bad policy emanating from Biden-Harris who have now been in office for 3+ years!

Other tactics on display include outright lying:

Charging election fraud silence on the part of notorious Right-winger i.e. me:

Playing with semantics:


Reinforcing false dichotomy:

Smear the Green Party candidate I'm supporting:

Alternatively, smear me:


Incoherent is an entire category in itself. Here I'll include just one example:

And my personal favorite:

"This is not the year" is getting quite shopworn by now, isn't it?

Onward to November!

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