Monday, May 27, 2024

The Ovens This Time: Israel Firebombs Rafah Tents In Safe Zone Trap

Martyrs of the Rafah Massacre (Photo shared by Mondoweiss)

Israel responded to the ICC ordering it to stop committing war crimes by fire bombing Gazan refugees in tents in "safe" zones the Israeli government sent them to. Many children were among those burned to death in the bombings. The horror is beyond words, only pictures can really convey it.

Fire rages following an Israeli strike in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on May 26, 2024. (Reuters TV / Reuters)

Or maybe videos. Like this one shared on Twitter, compelling evidence that eradicating Hamas is the least credible rationale for Israel's industrial scale slaughter of children.

It was with Rafah burning in my brain that I encountered Maine's Zionist cheerleader Senator Angus King at a Memorial Day parade in his hometown of Brunswick. I shouted: "Free free Palestine!" which got his attention and then: "Angus King, you can't hide, I charge you with genocide! Stop arming genocide with my tax dollars, Angus!" He made no reply. There is really no place he can go now without facing protesters, even though the parade had banned Palestinian flags or even keffiyehs.

My granddaughter and I decided to wear watermelon clothing to be in the parade, an expression which some people noticed. In these times amid galloping suppression of dissent we will nevertheless find ways to speak our truth.

Driving home my son shared an analysis that made me feel a little hopeful. He noted that genocide is Biden's legacy for certain, and that ordinary people (he is in his 30's) are not at all sympathetic with war in general or with Israel's treatment of Palestinians. His view was not that the tide is turning, but that it has turned. The war on terror is now totally defunct as a concept anyone can support, and he predicted that slavish loyalty to Israel now will eventually hurt politicians. 

I'm always interested to hear from other generations about their zeitgeist. I just hope humans survive long enough for younger, better people to rise up and do what they need to do. I'm fearful that in the European and East Asian regions the U.S. and its gang are inching us closer to nuclear war with each passing day. For example, U.S./NATO dba Ukraine just bombed three space early warning facilities that are key to Russian missile defense and understood to be a red line. 

I didn't say that in the car, because there was a child present. 

How heart rending for Palestinian parents and grandparents to be unable to protect their little ones from genocide at Israel's hands, while the world looks on and makes a tidy profit. 

Time for this grandma to throw a spanner in the works.

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