Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Cringe Video Kicks Off Vote Shaming Season

Honestly, it's always vote shaming season in the false dichotomy show that constitutes U.S. electoral politics. 

I'm immune to vote shaming for several reasons: I live in Maine where we have ranked choice voting so candidates literally cannot be spoilers; I left the Democratic Party for good in 2008 when Obama got the nomination and his first two votes back in the Senate were to pass the war supplemental bill and to extend immunity to the big telecoms for spying on us all; and Democrats failed to protect abortion rights, pass universal health care, or cancel student loans like Biden promised. They are the ones who should be ashamed.

I'm also immune to being called "Putin's spokesperson" or "you sound like Tucker Carlson." While I might giggle at a cartoon like this one, 

I don't agree with the underlying thesis that the ruination of the U.S. can be laid at the current administration's feet. Both parties in the U.S. serve their corporate overlords, and it is they who have gutted both quality of life and life expectancy for working class people.

So this cringe video of white boomers in Philadelphia "dancing" is unlikely to move me in any way other than activating my gag reflex.

I saw it shared on Twitter, but the original video can be found here on TikTok.

Ok maybe you're laughing instead of gagging. Either way, I doubt that you're feeling much shame.

A friend of mine stepped into this quagmire with a letter to the editor of the Portland Press Herald today. They printed her critique of Biden administration complicity in the genocide in Gaza, but did not enable comments.

A vote-shaming letter in the same edition did allow comments, and that is where a lively debate ensued about censorship, media bias, shaming. 

Why am I immune to the common liberal malady, Orange Man Bad Derangement Syndrome? Because the old white boomer Trump and the old white boomer Biden are both very, very bad. 

When your "lesser of two evils" candidate is the incumbent who's actively arming Israel's genocide in Palestine, the correct sign between the two candidates is an equal sign.

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